Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thomas Jefferson's Bible to be exhibited at National Museum of American History (NMAH)

It's so interesting how the liberal media and those that believe them like to tell Conservatives that the Founding Fathers weren't Christian/didn't read the Bible, etc.  Just yesterday while reading the lastest issue of Vanity Fair (hey, Johnny Depp is on the cover!) I ran across an article about how the Tea Party is destroying everything the Revolutionists accomplished.  While I didn't read the article yet, I'm sure it says something similar to the denial of the Constitutional framers having any acknowledgement of God.  Which brings me to Jefferson's Bible.

Picture courtesy of Hugh Talman / NMAH, SI

Yes, Thomas Jefferson.  The man who was a president of the United States twice, the man who helped write the Constitution of the United States, the man who is often called one of the Founding Fathers had a Bible.  And he read it every night.  According to the October 2011 issue of Smithsonian magazine, Jefferson cut scriptures from the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and created a narrative of the life of Christ.  He called it The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazereth.  Although Jefferson is quoted as saying,
"I not only write nothing on religion, but rarely permit myself to speak on it,"
it does not mean he didn't submit to a higher power.  This Bible, created by Jefferson, was something that he told only his closest friends about, but he admitted to reading it before retiring for the night every night.

This Bible was acquired by the Smithsonian in 1895.  Now it has been painstakingly restored and will be exhibited to the public beginning November 11, 2011 through May 28, 2012.  It will be on display at the National Museum of American History's Small Documents Gallery in Washington, D.C. NONE of the Founding Fathers placed ANY importance on the Scriptures and a moral lifestyle?  Interesting.

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