Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Little.....

Today I spent the day at Starla's.  We have a craft show coming up in less than a week at the Fortuna Veterans' Building.  So while she worked on a book purse and some sexy kilt-inspired Christmas stockings, I did research on steampunk.  If you haven't heard of steampunk fashion, you need to investigate.  It's fantastic!  It basically started out as a sub-genre of science fiction, but it is more than that.  Look for yourself.  Anyway, we have decided to include some steampunk items (like these) in our repertoire.  That's how we spent the morning.  And drinking cranberry-chocolate coffee.  Then after lunch we set to work making these adorable little wooden block phrases (which I don't have a picture of...sorry).  I promise to post pics soon.  They are blocks of wood, each with one letter on it. They say things like, "A Little (on one block) S-M-I-L-E. So cute!  We made these and drank more coffee.  This time Pumplin Spice Latte's from Jitterbean courtesy of Rosie and Chris. We finshed up a little before 10 pm. And here I am making sure I get a post written today.  I'm tired and excited.  I really felt the creativity kick in today....or the caffeine.


  1. I love the book purse. What a cool idea. Plus the steampunk items are very neat.
    I don't know if I got a chance to tell you but the first thing I saw when I walked in the house from Mexico was my awesome sweater purse. I love it. Thank you so much! :-)

  2. I love steampunk and have dedicated a small drawer for the little odds and ends I find and might want to steampunk with some day!! Can't wait to see what you've come up with!

  3. Thanks for sharing. Looks great :)



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