Wednesday, January 27, 2010


A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
The condition of being homesick; homesickness.

I got to get outside today and take a walk.  It's the second day in a row that we have NOT had rain.  (Cue the Hallelujah Choir).  I brought along my camera and captured some things around town.


When family friends owned this business, this sign was freshly painted and on a marquee in front of the store.

Ah...the smell of freshly mowed grass.


The church I went to as a little girl.

The church I've gone to since I was 14.

One of the pews that used to be inside the church.


The house I lived in from when I was 13 until I moved out at 18. My parents just moved out of it 5 years ago.

Some things in this town never change.


  1. What a fun post, these pictures are awesome!
    I thought of your blog today as I repurposes a zipper in to a flower. Now I plan to cut out all the zippers of clothes that don't fit!
    Have a great day!

  2. Cindi, you can't imagine the heaps of love you brought to my heart with your comments. Your row boat comment just made me smile! You know what they say misery loves company, just jump on in to my boat anytime between the 2 of us we'll row our way right on outta here.

    I have a hard time making myself walk but always feel better when I (rarely) do. I loved seeing the photos you took. I grew up in a small town and now I hold those memories so dear. The simpleness of it all. Are those country churches the very best!

    Thanks heaps to you dear friend. Hugs...Tracy :)

  3. aawww...this is nice!! I feel like this when I go see mom at my old hometown. Your church pictures made me miss church.

  4. Your churches remind me of 'Little House on the Prairie'. I love old churches like those!


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